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The Power of One Adult

AM Keynote


Jonathan I. Cloud

This address explores the source of a caring adult’s power to make a difference in the life of a child. Utilizing the science of adult development, this source is shown to be the caring adult’s higher level of growth which is often fostered by resilient responses to adversities and traumas.
Accordingly, such adults perceive that the child’s developmental trajectory can be impacted in positive ways by trauma when responsive, lasting care is given. Five caring gestures proposed by are highlighted as part of the speaker’s call to build a trauma-informed community based on strategies to foster higher adult development and engage caring adults in one-on-one relationships with children and youth.

Green Bay Police Behavioral Health Officer Program

Session #1


Tracy Liska

Barbara Gerarden

Officer Liska and Officer Gerarden will share what the Green Bay Police Department behavioral health officer program is. Attendees will learn what Green Bay has done to reduce emergency detentions, reduce time in custody, increase voluntary treatment, decriminalize individuals with mental illness, improve relationships between community and police, reduce police calls for mental health issues, and reduce stigma.

Trauma-Responsive Environments: How Early Adversity Impacts Behavior and Development

Session #2


Dr. Samantha Wilson

THIS SESSION IS AT CAPACITY.... Early adversity and chronic stress leave their marks on the brain, impacting current and later social and academic engagement.  Trauma-responsive environments recognize the potential impact of chronic stress for children AND the adults who love/teach them. Content will explore the impact of early adversity and highlight ways for home, schools, and other settings to support healing relationships within everyday interactions.

Trauma Informed Care and Domestic Violence

Session #3


Milly Gonzales

This workshop is focused on teaching about the basics of Domestic Violence (D.V.), red flags, and the importance of taking a trauma informed approach when serving or supporting those who have experienced D.V.

Childhood Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Session #4


Deanna Dittloff

•    Symptoms of PTSD and how PTSD is different for children
•    Changes in the diagnosis in the DSM5
•    Physiology of trauma
•    Therapist modalities for PTSD in children


The Identification and Healing of Intergenerational trauma in our Communities

Session #5


Julia Witt

This session takes a look at how trauma can be transmitted in families, work cultures, and our schools and reflect on how intergenerational trauma is defined, transmitted, and what the symptoms and behaviors might look like in these different systems.  Some practical applications will be discussed that can help break these cycles in each of the identified systems.

Optional Lunch Session - Sound Massage with Sharon Murrock



Sharon Murrock


Sound massage is an ancient, effective and proven modality that uses vibrational sound to reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a sense of peace, well-being and better health. Sound wave (frequency) will automatically go to the area of highest need to bring balance and harmony.

Some European healthcare practitioners combine sound therapy with traditional western medicine and prescribe it for their patients in the inpatient and outpatient setting.


This profoundly relaxing therapy works with the vibrations from Professional Grade Therapeutic Bowls which can be felt in every cell of the body. During a Sound Massage breathing, heart rate and brain waves become regulated, producing a deep sense of peace and well-being. Sound massage enhances our body’s innate ability to heal itself on all levels.

Mental Health Toolbox

Session #6


Donna Parkansky

THIS SESSION IS AT CAPACITY... During this session you will come away with tools you can put to use right away.
Discussion will include mindfulness, what is it and how do you create it, how can breathing and meditation create calm, and a short introduction to EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique).

What Resilience is and how to get there

Session #7


Antonia Nelson

THIS SESSION IS AT CAPACITY...A skills based wellness program that provides a biological, non-stigmatizing perspective on normal reactions to stress, trauma and skills to reset the natural balance of the nervous system and establish a better understanding and relationship with ourselves.

When Difficult Behaviors Arise Post Adoption

Session #8


Dr. Samantha Wilson

A trauma-informed perspective will be utilized to understand behavioral concerns that commonly arise for children in the context of adoption.  Content will include exploring the impact of early adversity on brain/behavior, expressions of grief/loss, and ways for families to promote healing relationships.  Resources will be provided to support families understand common behavioral concerns and respond in a trauma-informed manner.

Trauma-Informed Parenting

Session #9


Deanna Dittloff

  • Essentials of Trauma informed parenting

  • Understanding trauma’s effects

  • Building a safe place

  • Dealing with feelings and behaviors

  • Connections and healing

  • Taking care of yourself

Equine Therapy & Therapy Dog

Session #10


Leslie Leline

Julie LaLuzerne

"May the Horse be with You"

  - Leslie Leline

Horses provide a safe space of no judgement and  unconditional love where people can connect with our own emotions and inner wisdom. They open our awareness to our own emotional state and help us build skills with which to recognize, acknowledge and release those emotions, while building confidence and self-esteem!

"Dogs Make Us Feel Calmer!"

  - Julie LaLuzerne

Therapy dogs create an unassuming and nonjudgmental environment. With their instincts and soothing nature, petting a therapy dog lowers stress and anxiety by lowering blood pressure thus it makes you feel calmer. It is proven that pets positively affect your mental health. They reduce depression, ease loneliness, provide companionship and offer unconditional love. 

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