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Dr. Samantha Wilson

Ph.D., IMH-E® IV

Medical College of Wisconsin


Samantha L. Wilson, Ph.D., IMH-E® IV, is Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the division of Child Development at the Medical College of Wisconsin.  She is the staff psychologist within the International Adoption Clinic at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin and provides immediate post-adoption support as well as psychoeducational assessment and therapeutic intervention for internationally adopted children/adolescents and their families.  She has authored/co-authored numerous peer-reviewed articles in the areas of early child development and/or adoption and is a contributing author to two books on the post-adoption development of children adopted internationally.  She is an adjunct staff for the Wisconsin-based TIES Adoptive Family Travel program, a heritage travel experience for children and families.  Dr. Wilson is currently credentialed within Wisconsin as an Infant Mental Health Mentor (Level IV – Clinical). Along with direct service to children and families, she provides reflective supervision to Early Head Start home visitors within Waukesha and West Bend, WI. 

©2019 by Hope Beyond the Hurt: Trauma Informed Care & Resilience Conference

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