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Jonathan I. Cloud

Planning and Management Consultant and Trainer

Appleton, WI


Jonathan I.Cloud has nearly forty years of experience in the human services field, involving case management, administration, and program development in the areas of child welfare, youth development, youth justice, and behavioral health. He began independent consulting, technical assistance, and training in 1992. He has served as a consultant and trainer for national
initiatives sponsored the U. S. Departments of Justice, Labor, Education, Health and Human Services, and Defense. In Wisconsin, he served on the Governor’s Juvenile Justice Commission, assisted the Department of Children, Youth, and Families with developing its current Basic Intake Worker Training, developed the operational design for the state’s first Anti-Human Trafficking Hub and serves as its consultant, and in his role with White Pine Consulting, he designs and provides training to the Comprehensive Community Services and Comprehensive Services Team programs. One of his current consulting projects involves developing a growth-focused youth justice case management system for the Milwaukee County Department of Youth and Family Services.

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